The true kundalini enlightenment begins from Samadhi experiences the highest meditative state as you become empty space or atomic space within it is Samadhi its equal to that our ego will die where enlightenment happens, even we will have a resurrection another type of Samadhi or death experiences here you will leave your physical nature completely and you merge in to divinity, you experience ultimate relief in divine hood but later you are a live again? How it possible once we left our body and again we came back in to our physical nature? Yes it is possible this is what exactly called as mystical spiritual experiences. After resurrection only you rise true kundalini it rises through center channel even most of the people they talk about two channels ida & pingala the left channel & right channel but the center channel is important in kundalini rising here we will able to attain full enlightenment when the kundalini passes through center channel all the secrets get revealed its self through metaphysical experience’s.

Importance of shushumna / center channel of kundalini enlightenment.

Understand we has innumerable nadis within this thousands of nadis or energy channels which connected to three main nadis one is left side ida nadi another one is right side pingala nadi and most important thing is shushmna nadi the center channel. This ida nadi & pingala nadi which is related to energy levels or quantum level but those who want to gain full enlightenment they need to activate center channel the shushumna nadi this is related to divinity its very purest thing in terms of pure conscious energies enters in this channel. When your consciousness energies touches the shushmna nadi or center channel here you awake true kundalini and you gain spiritual wisdom as well as you get many experiences in terms of Samadhi / higher meditative state, death experiences, astral travel, soul travel, visions, telepathy, electro / electric magnetic energies, etc. all the metaphor things will get revealed too. Adarsh Narayandas



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