WHAT is MEANT by AHIMSA (non - Violence) ? & so forth."
"The Vedanta & the Gita takes an Integral Divine View of Precious Life. Only Faith or Knowledge or Conduct alone cannot take us to the Path of Moksha ( Liberation). We should have Faith, Knowledge and Conduct together Within (introverted)."
"The Image of the Vedanta & the Gita cmmunity as persons of Unconditional love, Peace and goodwill and commited to Vegetarianism is strongly imprinted on the Universal Mind & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."
"Mahatma Gandhi ,perhaps the Greatest Champion of NON- VIOLENCE in Our Age, said he had been deeply influenced by NON - VIOLENCE as Political Instrument."
"To abstain from Violence is the Fundamental VOW of Vedentic from which follow the others vows- to abstain from falsehood, theft , continence and possessiveness."
"However , the concept of "Ahimsa", which is the SUPREME DHRMA (Righteous Conduct & Act) "Ahimsa Param Dharma" has not been properly understood and there are many misgivings about it."
"WHAT is MEANT by AHIMSA (non - Violence) ?."
"Generally, it is taken to mean non- harming or non- violence to any living Creature bu really speaking it is an Attitude & Perspective by which a person identifies himself with all Living Beings."
"Ahimsa is equanimity. It is the Sacred Law of Compassion in body, senses, mind & chitta (mind stuff, psyche) & Soul."
"The term Ahimsa has both a negative and positive connotation. It is generally understood by its negative reference i.e. refraining from causing any injury or harm towards anyone. However, positively it has a very sublime and propund aspect and stands for the Practice (Self realization) of Unconditional Love & Mental Peace toward all Beings."
"The Vedanta says, "Dharma (Righteousness) is Supremely Auspicious . Non Violence, self- Restraint and Auserity are its are Essentials, Even the celestials revere him who is rooted in Dharma."
*`~ Vedanta Version~*
"The rationale behind the principle of "AHIMSA" ( Non - VIOLENCE) is the equality of all living beings."
" Lord Krishna said, " Not to kill any living being is the quintessence of all WISDOM. One has to understand that Non - Violence and Equality of all living beings are the Essentials of Dhrama (Righteousness)."
*~ Lord Krishna ~*
"Life is Life, Awakened to Divine Light {Within} every moment with Positive Attitude & Perceptive."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*
"The ASHTANGA YOGA by Divine Saint Patanjali is the system for the Self Control in daily Life."
"The Way of Eternal."
"Simple Yoga & Meditation & Therapy (Self Realization) by Social, Religious & Spiritual Conductivity offers to prepare the physical basis of Yoga & Meditation (Self Realization) and this it does in an eminently satisfying manners.
It introduces such aspects of Yoga & Meditation that are relevant to the common humans who seeks GOOD HEALTH, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, Mental Peace of Mind, Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) and stability (Self Realization, What "I"AM) of Individual Being."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*
"The ASHTANGA YOGA by Divine saint Patanjali is the system , yet the said two verses are the most controversial amongst Modern- Yoga practitioners and in fact, are thrown out with impunity by the largest number of Modern- Yoga adherents as being irrelvant to the practice of Yoga. Verses 31, 33 to 45 support the Principle of YAMA & NIYAMA, the moral restraints and ethical observances of the ASHTANGA YOGA."
"These five restriction are:
1. Ahimsa (non violence).
2.Satya (truthfulness).
3.Asteya (nonstealing).
4."Brahamcharya (sextual - control)
5"Aparita graha (control of Greed)."
"These five ethical observances are"
1. Saucha (purity of body, mind, chitta (mind stuff, psyche)."
2. Santosh (serenity, contentment).
3."Tapas (disciplined Austerity).
4.Swadhayaya (self introspection), and
5. Atman Prasadama (accepting what one's Karma (actions) returns to one in life."
"The last observance is usually given as ISWARA - PRANIDHAN, or Devotion to Lord (God)."
"RIGHTEOUS CONDUCT & ACT(Actions & its Reactions) for Welfare for Living & Non-living Is Only our RELIGION."
*~Guru Tattwa, Poetyca, Prarabdha ~*
"Whatever TRICK MIND,Chitta (Mind stuff, psyche) uses, a Human must use the same TRICK to DEFEAT it."
"The Evolution on the Physical Plane is no less valuable.
It prepares ground for Higher Developments and makes the whole Foundation Solid for Full Development."
"The HUMAN is THE MAKER of HIS OWN PRARABDHA (destiny created by Past Karma)- "The TRUE POINT."
*~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*
"Prepare the MIND & CHITTA for any circumstances, because all these things are the RESULTS of Individual's own "PRARABDHA."
*~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*
"A Mind & Chitta (mind stuff,psyche)} reequipped with DISCRETION is called DISCIPLINED MIND."
"Chitta (Mind stuff, psyche) has a broader meaning than the word "mind". "
"Chitta includes mind, intellect, ego and collections of impressions (samskaras, Prarbdha) within one's chitta for processes occur :
abstraction and construction of images, intellect (the determinative faculty of the thought process), the presence of ego, and the predisposition formed by the impressions of one's past experience."
"You have to Churn your Words, Action (Karma) & so forth through mind & Chitta (mind stuff,psyche ) into in to The Reality."
*~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*
"Yatha Pnde, Tatha Brahmande (Human Body & Universe is Homologous, ), Universe is Changing every Moment ,so our MIND & Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) is also changing due to mental tendencies.To Control the Mind & Chitta is necessary to Control the Global Warming ."
*~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*
"Harmony of Mind & Chitta and natural diet will usually result in Good Health and happiness for the person as well as Universe. If the person is harmonious with himself and with his environment , he will be a happy and effective person for Family, Society & Universe."
*~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*
"It is the Encolouration of Human's mind, Chitta (mind stuff, psyche) & consciousness which Tinges the Emerald as Green and the Ruby as red.
"It is not the Sun alone, but it is the very light of Human's Visual Perception, which Illuminates the Sky."
"The Rose is Beautiful Only because Human Perceives it as BEAUTIFUL."
*~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*
"The Inner VITAL Frequencies, Vibrations, & Energies of Intuition within Our Self is the Vital Force of all our Words, Movements , Music & so fortth, and all manner of CREATIVITY."
*~Guru Tattwa,Poetyca, Prarbdha ~*
"Lord created Living Being LIFE "ONE for ALL & All for ONE"(COEXIST)."
"If we follow this NATURAL Principle then we will proceed Automatically toward FORGIVENESS, UNCONDITIONED LOVE & PEACE of MIND"
"Life is an opportunity, benefit from it{Within}."
"Life is beauty, admire it.{Within}."
'Life is bliss, taste it.{Within}."
"Life is a dream, realize it.{Within}."
"Life is a challenge, meet it.{Within}."
"Life is a duty, complete it.{Within}."
"Life is a game, play it.{Within}."
"Life is a promise, fulfill it.{Within}."
"Life is sorrow, overcome it.{Within}."
'Life is a song, sing it.{Within}."
'Life is a struggle, accept it.{Within}."
"Life is a tragedy, confront it.{Within}."
"Life is an adventure, dare it.{Within}."
"Life is luck{Prarbdha,destiny}, make it.{Within}."
"Life is too precious, do not destroy it.{Within}."
"Life is life, fight for it.{Within}."
"Consciousness of universal Frds. for welfare of Living & Non living (to over come the Global Warming) with Love & Peace within{Self Realized} with non-duality(Advaita),i.e. "Only One God" i.e. *{"Holy Human"}*
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